Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

Free Watch Malena (2000) Online Streaming


On the day in 1940 that Italy enters the war, two things happen to the 12-year-old Renato: he gets his first bike, and he gets his first look at Malna. She is a beautiful, silent outsider who's moved to this Sicilian town to be with her husband, Nico. He promptly goes off to war, leaving her to the lustful eyes of the men and the sharp tongues of the women. During the next few years, as Renato grows toward manhood, he watches Malna suffer and prove her mettle. He sees her loneliness, then grief when Nico is reported dead, the effects of slander on her relationship with her father, her poverty and search for work, and final humiliations. Will Renato learn courage from Malna and stand up for her?

She was too young to be a widow, and too beautiful to be alone. Every man wanted to have her. One boy risked everything to protect her

Movie details Malena

Release : 2000-12-25
Genre : Drama, Foreign
Runtime : 109 minutes
Company : Miramax Films, Medusa Produzione


Monica BellucciasMalena Scordia
Giuseppe SulfaroasRenato Amoroso
Luciano FedericoasRenato's Father
Matilde PianaasRenato's Mother
Pietro NotarianniasProfessor Bonsignore
Gaetano AronicaasNino Scordia
Gilberto IdoneaasAvvocato Centorbi
Angelo PellegrinoasSegretario politico
Gabriella Di LuzioasMantenuta del Barone
Pippo ProvvidentiasDott. Cusimano
Maria TerranovaasMoglie Dott. Cusimano
Marcello CatalanoasLieutenant Cadel
Elisa MorucciasLupetta
Domenico GennaroasFarmacista
Vitalba AndreaasMoglie farmacista
Giuseppe PattavinaasPretore
Franco CatalanoasNegoziante
Daniele ArenaasAgostino
Giovanni LitricoasPin
Gianluca GuarreraasNicola
Michel Daniel BramantiasSas
Giuseppe ZizzoasTanino
Tot BorgeseasMilite fascista
Emanuele GullottoasNegoziante dischi
Aurora QuattrocchiasTenutaria bordello
Claudia Muzias1a Prostituta
Ornella Giustoas2a Prostituta
Conchita Puglisias3a Prostituta
Noemi GiarratanaasSorella Renato
Paola Paceas1a Donna linciaggio
Lucia Sardoas2a Donna linciaggio

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www.malena-freund.de - Homepage von Malena Freund - Fotografie: Landschaft, Portrait, Stillleben, Farben

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